1. What’s the recipe for your favorite drink? (Smoothie, alcoholic, coffee, whatever.)
I can’t think of any drink recipes right off the top of my head unless it would be a mimosa (orange juice & champagne, easy peasy) otherwise I take my coffee black, my water with lemon, and my iced tea with lemonade (good old Arnie Palmer!). In a related matter, I really want to try the strawberry frozen lemonade at McDonalds, but I am sure it has a gazillion calories.
2. What kind of razor do you use?
A few Christmases ago I received an electric razor as a gift and I really wanted it, but guess what—like many gadgets that you think you have to have (think Roomba!) I never use it. I like my cheap old disposable razors in the popsicle colors.
3. Who is your favorite Sesame Street character?
I don’t have a favorite Sesame Street character, honestly. Maybe cookie monster??!! I like cookies!
4. What makes the perfect salad? (Lettuce type, toppings, dressing, etc.)
I am a vegetarian who doesn’t really like lettuce all that much - the best salads have pasta! And chick peas. And blue cheese.
5. What was your favorite subject in school?
English, art and history – I hated anything to do with math and science and was not a fan of gym class.
6. What’s your favorite summer tradition?
Going to Mackinac Island, S’mores, patio dining at my favorite restaurants, fireworks, brunch cruises on Lake Minnetonka – summer when the living is easy!
7. Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? How do you combat them?
I never had allergies until I hit my 30s and now I think I am allergic to cats, lilies, my dog, wine and dust! So I wouldn’t say they are seasonal but rather situational! The only thing that really helps is Benadryl and I hate how it makes me feel—all tired and dopey.
8. How often do you have to charge your cell phone?
Constantly. I think Words with Friends is really a drain on my iPhone. I charge it in my car(s) when I am driving and a few times a week I try to remember to hook it up to my Mac and get a really good charge. And I try to remember to turn it off at bedtime. BTW, if you play Words With Friends, find me at Leslialison.
9. Do you have a bucket list?
Not officially, just a vague notion of things in my head. I should make a list. Lists are good!
10. Do you have any desire to go back to school?
Yes and no. I always say I want to finish getting my degree in interior design, but no because I don’t want any more student loans. It was such a relief to pay them off.
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