Favorite cuisine:
1. Italian
2. Mexican
3. Seafood
Foods I never seem to get sick of:
1. Avocados
2. Cheese
3. Pizza and spaghetti (there’s a 4th- potatoes in all forms!)
Three words I'd use to describe myself:
1. Frivolous
2. Flirty
3. Creative
3 U.S. Cities I would like living in, besides Minneapolis:
1. San Diego
2. Seattle
3. San Francisco
3 places in the U.S. that I haven't visited but would like to:
1. New Orleans
2. Dallas
3. Portland
Favorite forms of exercise:
1. Walking and riding my bike
2. Elliptical
3. Barre burn and Zumba classes
Favorite smells:
1. Chocolate and vanilla candles
2. Anything fruity
3. Outdoor smells like rain, damp fall leaves, night blooming jasmine and the ocean
Big vacations I'd like to take some day:
1. Go back to Hawaii (which is where I got married) and stay at a really fancy hotel
2. Someday I want to spend a whole summer on Mackinac Island and just rent a condo and it would just be me, my pets, a bicycle and fudge – lots of fudge – and I imagine I would read and write a lot 3. I would really like to go to Italy and eat a LOT like in Eat, Pray, Love
And that is it from me.