I got this idea from my friend Kristie at Writer's Block. She listed her pet peeves & so I decided to do mine, too.
People who don't use their turn signals
Rudeness and bad manners in all forms
Bad grammar just grates on my ears
Public bathrooms
Wal-Mart, Kmart and Sears - cheap clothes make me itch
The salespeople at, for instance, Gap and Maurices, who try to get to you to sign up for one of their credit cards and don't take no for answer--they ask you 3 times
People who call me and cough in my ear
People who call a company & are completely unprepared for what they are going to say
People who call and complain that they can't hear you because their TVs are turned up too loud
People who let their children run loose in stores & restaurants and on airplanes and don't even attempt to control them or discipline them
People who leave mean anonymous comments on blogs
People who don't keep their word and cancel plans at the last minute all the time
I am sure I could think of more, but these are probably enough. Now I sound all crabby--ha ha!
I don't like to be all negative, so I am going to balance these with some positive things. Things that I like.
People who spell my first name right and my last name, too, and even remember to capitalize the J!
People who let me merge in traffic -- good karma for them
Getting cards in the mail - thank you cards, holiday cards, just because cards
Finding a new writer or a new blog
Fancy bathrooms at nice restaurants and upscale stores
Nordstrom, Tiffanys and Kate Spade
The feeling of paying off a credit card
Dogs and cats
Making new friends through blogging
Keeping old friends and knowing you can count on them
I'm not a fan of Wal-Mart either. Not for the clothes, just mostly because that store is always a giant mess. It always looks like a bomb went off in there.
But I will say Wal Mart is a good place to buy electronics, they are always less expensive than other places.
hehe when I was reading I got mixed up and missed the line declring that you would start writing about things you like. I literally said to myself "she doesn't like new blogs? ohhhh no. OR DOGS AND CATS? I have to reread, I must have missed something!"
happy Tuesday! I hope your days is filled with doggies, people who let you merge, and lots of wonderful mail (or male)!
Meredith, that would be pretty bad if my pet peeves included cats & dogs and Kate Spade, Tiffany and Nordstrom--ha ha ha!
Emily - yes, Wal-Mart does always look like a bomb went off & how come there is always a dirty diaper in the parking lot? I am just saying!
I've never understood why some parents let their children run around like wild indians in a department store. That seriously bothers me as well.
Oh, and thank you for linking this post back to my blog! So sweet.
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